Saturday, 9 July 2011

Having Breakfast is Important :)

The fact shows that some of you start your day without having breakfast. They say that they do not have time to have breakfast or they think that the habit for having breakfast can only make their body fatter.

Actually, those judgments are false. Even, based on the research of Harvard University, it is proven that people who have breakfast regularly have more tendencies about 50% not to have obesity problem in comparison with people who forget to have breakfast.

Here are some matters you should know about having breakfast and some tips to make it be your life style:

1. Having breakfast fulfills nutrition you need
Abandoning to have breakfast can make you get difficulties in getting nutrition and vitamin that are recommended to your body. Breakfast menu like cereal with milk or low fat yogurt plus granule will give you sufficient calcium and fiber.

2. Having breakfast can lose your weight
When you do some activities without food in your stomach, your body will burn calorie slowly to provide calorie. According to Tanya Zuckerbrot, R.D., the book writer of The F-Factor Diet, having breakfast after the empty stomach the whole night long will increase metabolism. It means that the calorie burning all day long will be more efficient.

However, Zuckerbrot emphasizes that the key for all is the food you consume. Food that consists of simple carbohydrate like donuts will increase glucose and then decrease drastically. That is why you feel hungry at 11 a.m.

The better way you can take is consuming food with complex carbohydrate like oatmeal because it contains high fiber and low sugar, so it is digestible slowly. Finally, it can provide constant energy and make you do not feel hungry fast.

3. Having breakfast increases your brain ability
Based on the research of Swansea Wales University, it is proven that students who always have breakfast score 22% higher than the students who do not. When you have breakfast, most of energies in the form of glucose and glycogen have all gone because of the previous daily activity. According to specialists, glucose is one of fuel that is needed by brain and without quite glucose, you feel tired.

4. Having breakfast protects you from heart disease
Research shows that the healthy women who do not have breakfast for two weeks have higher bad cholesterol level (LDL) than women who eat bowlful of cereal plus milk every morning.

By Pramitha Putri (F12109040)

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